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学术讲座——Indoor air quality and children health risk

日期:2019-06-12 点击数: 来源:
预告时间 地点

讲座题目:Indoor air quality and children health risk

讲座人:Wen-Jing Deng 邓文靖

讲座时间:2019613日  早上10:00-11:00



Dr. Deng is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of Science and Environmental Science at the Education University of Hong Kong. Dr. Deng has a solid experience in teaching, research and community service. Her research topics include indoor air quality, environmental pollutants in the environment and health risk, which are closely related to governmental priorities. One ECS/GRF has been funded 2013-2014. Dr. Deng has published 49 peer-reviewed works published in high ranked SCI journals, including Environment International, Environmental Pollution, Marine Pollution Bulletin, Atmospheric Environment, etc. She presented over 50 lectures, world-wide.  Dr. Deng is a highly cited author  in the world in the field of Environmental Sciences with an Hirsch (H) index of 16 (Google Scholar: based on 39 publications: https://scholar.google.be/citations?user=Gt2WaEEAAAAJ&hl=fr) with over 2100 citations.  Her i10 Index (number of papers cited more than 10 times) is 22.  Her Research Gate (RG) Score is 29.0; >88.0%. Dr. Deng has supervised five MPhil and PhD students.




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